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Elizabeth Sweeny

Director and Programs and Partnerships

Frugal Innovation Hub at Santa Clara University

Live according to your values - and get paid for it.


Finding a career that is meaningful is a lifelong challenge, that plagues the young and old alike. I operated under the assumption that I had to choose one of the following two options: either I could 1) be in the high tech industry and achieve personal wealth, or 2) work for social benefit and sacrifice a comfortable income. You don't have to choose. You can work with technology, get paid competitively, and change the world. Don't settle and choose only one.

Applying your skills in science, math, and engineering towards creating humanitarian technology solutions for those in the world who need it most is already a career for many. Being able to define what your values are, what you want your legacy to be, and creating a roadmap for the pursuit of a career that is mindful of both is incredibly difficult, but also very fun and rewarding. I look forward to sharing my experiences thus far in reconciling my personal set of values, what excites and challenges me, and what I want to leave behind when I retire with the career path of my choice.

Meet the Speaker:

Elizabeth Sweeny is Director of Programs and Partnerships at the Frugal Innovation Hub at Santa Clara University, an interdisciplinary engineering initiative that works to engage students and faculty in humanitarian projects through partnerships and programs. Her undergraduate education is in Business Management with a minor in Middle Eastern Foreign Policy, and her graduate work is in Computer Science and Engineering with a Software Engineering emphasis. Elizabeth was born and raised in the SF Bay Area, and currently lives in Mountain View. She attended Mountain View High School, and was the first cohort to go through Freestyle Academy for the full two year program. Some passions of hers include trail running and volunteering at a horse ranch that works with special needs children.

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