Dr. Elaine Davis
Dr. of Podiatric Medicine
How we fix a damaged foot: a foot surgeon and podiatrist's story

I. Introduction to the field of podiatric medicine and surgery
II. Description of premedical education and podiatric medical schools.
III. My career path in podiatric medicine
a. multispecialty practice
b. appointment to the California State Board of Podiatric Medicine (consumer protection)
IV. Treatment of foot and ankle deformities and injuries
a. description of biomechanics
b. sports injuries
c. overuse injuries
d. fractures and major trauma
V. Summarize the challenges and rewards of podiatric practice
Meet the Speaker:
Dr. Davis is a graduate of the California College of Podiatric Medicine and Kaiser Permanente Medical Surgical Residency Program. She has had a practice in podiatric medicine and surgery in a multi-specialty group setting for more than 30 years.